
Goal Setting on the Mission Field

Goal setting on the mission field is vital! If you don’t aim at a target… you’ll hit it every time. I ache when I see church planters and missionaries on the field for years and have not started any new churches, have never discipled anyone, nor have lead anyone to Christ. They may have come with good intentions, but soon caught up in the task of merely surviving. One thing leads to another, and the years pass. This can, and must change!

setting goals on the mission field

Goal setting on the mission field is a non-negotiable that will get you on track, and keep you focused on the right things.

Aiming for desired outcomes on the mission field has driven the narrative of the mission movement since the beginning. From Paul’s desire to share the gospel where it was never heard before (Romans 15:20), to the never-ending prayer meetings focused on intercession for the lost, believers have steadily pushed forward.

[bctt tweet="Praying and then setting goals is an exercise of faith, based on an active relationship between us and God. - Steve Marlin" username="stevemarlin"]

Praying and then setting goals is an exercise of faith, based on an active relationship between us and God. And on the mission field, these goals are focused on evangelism, discipleship, leadership development, and the establishment of new churches, all of which are completely in line with the heart of God.

When we set biblically-motivated mission goals, they keep us focused on God, and what He wants to do. We begin to see what can be done through eyes of faith (Hebrews 11:1).

Goal Setting Tension Between Leaders and Teams

With individuals, goal setting is more personalized. Each person is challenged by how they view and connect with the mission task. This is slightly different for a missionary team where both the team leader and team members must work together.

There is a tension between a person setting their own goals and having someone else set goals for them.

This is the same whether in one’s own culture or on the mission field. But, like everything else, this tension is amplified 10x on the mission field, often leading to unexpected and unneeded stress.

As a leader of other missionaries, I have yearly, quarterly, and monthly task of  challenging those I am responsible for. I want them to be motivated to continue that which they are doing well, or end what is not working at all.

But more often than not, we simply need small tweaks to start seeing some forward momentum. It’s that easy. This is where move us forward with prayerfully considered goals. Missionaries that see progress and fruit from their labors are immensely more fulfilled, and more apt to stay on the field.

[bctt tweet="Serve the Lord on the mission field in such a way, that you can say on that final day, “I have no regrets.” - Steve Marlin" username="stevemarlin"]

Best Practice of Goal Setting on the Mission Field for the Team

I have found that the best practice of goal setting on the mission field is to allow others to set their own goals first, and then discuss these goals together with them, making small adjustments as needed. This method works best for a number of reasons.

  • You see what the person is thinking. You get to know that person on a more personal level.
  • You see their level of self-motivation. What level of “team lead/team member” interaction works best for them.
  • You see potential blind spots. We all have them, and if we are vulnerable with ours, they will be with theirs as well.
  • You see areas that need to be specifically challenged. Small tweaks usually fix the problem.
  • You also see heart attitudes revealed that give clues on how to best offer ongoing encouragement.


Embrace goals. They are a valuable tool, that if used wisely, can help our work advance more quickly than we ever imagined. For many, reaching their goals implies a level of success. I prefer to look at goals as that North Star that keeps me motivated and moving in the right direction. Goals are a funny thing. They give us purpose in life while at the same time, help us fulfill our life’s purpose. “No regrets!”

Discussion Question: How have goals helped you stay focused on God and His purpose in your life?

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